In High-Low Poker, the highest and lowest Poker hands split the pot, with the High hand winning the odd dollar, if any. Click here for the High-Low selections.
In Low Poker, the lowest Poker hand, not the highest, wins the pot. Click here for the Low Poker selections.
In standard High Poker, the highest Poker hand wins the pot. Click here for High Poker selections.
In the opening round, the player to the dealer's left makes a mandatory "blind" bet (ie-does not see his cards), and the next player makes a mandatory blind raise (called the "Straddle"). Click here to accept the Blind & Straddle betting option.
In Standard Ante, each player "antes" $1 into the pot prior to receiving his cards. Click here to accept the standard ante.
In Dealer's Choice, the player who wins the deal chooses the variety of Poker he wishes to play. Click here to accept Dealer's Choice Poker.
Click here to select one of the Miscellaneous Poker games.